As Christians, we are told to always be prepared to share the love of Christ with everyone we meet--to do a kindness, to comfort those afflicted by sickness, tribulation or death of a loved-one. All of us must admit that we never feel adequate or prepared. We can only call upon God for his mercy and help; praying that He will use our feeble efforts to bring a small measure of comfort to those in need. We are told that He will supply our needs, including those words to comfort others. So often, comforting someone is less of doing, and more of being. People are less interested in what you can do or what you know, yet more interested in knowing that you care. A hand on a shoulder or a well-meant hug, we all know a heart filled with compassion when we feel or see it. In these times, the true Christians stand up--no invitation needed. We all must be ready at all times to comfort. A scene in ‘The Yearling’ illustrates the need for readiness and the truth that the “un-churched” often call upon us for spiritual help in time of need. In a scene, Fodder-Wing, the little crippled friend of Jodi, has died. He was the soft spirit of the Forrester family. The mother and family are in deep sorrow. Jodi’s father, Penny Baxter, stands over the grave and is addressed by the father of the dead boy. Not knowing who else to ask he addresses Penny, “Penny, you have had Christian raising, we’d be proud, did you say something.” Penny prays words of comfort in his own manner, “Now you’ve se’ed fit to take him where bein’—crookedy in mind or limb don’t matter. But Lord, h’it pleasures us to think now you’ve done straightened out them legs and that poor back and them hands. H’it pleasures us to think on him moving around as easy as airy one.“ These words bring a smile to the mother of the dead boy. Though it may be difficult to see the best in such a time of sorrow, we must remember to remind those suffering of God’s mercy and the blessings He brings in the life to come. BE the kind of person that people will call on--that person is described by these words ”he went about doing good.”
Just a thought….In Christ,
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